Reduce infamy victoria 2
Reduce infamy victoria 2

reduce infamy victoria 2

You'll get a popup saying Austria petitions for annexation for 10 infamy, but you have an event afterwards to remove 3 so its net 7, so make sure you have a infamy room to take that. Next, attack France and take Alsace-Lorraine! How can I form germany/super germany! Use the event ID with the event console command to start an event in the game. Don't neglect to invest to outdo Austria here or elsewhere. this is very possible with just vanilla, I just tried it and got it in 15 years, have the best tech, highest prestige, most industrialization, and an army only slightly smaller than China's. Any German state (Including Austria Hungary) can form Greater Germany in HPM. Play as Prussia, day one fabricate a release puppet CB on Denmark, freeing Schleswig-Holstein. I was attempting to form Super Germany, but Idk why it didn't work. Does anyone know a good strategy to form Germany/Super Germany in HPM for Victoria 2? We recommend you browse the file list for the latest full version. The Victoria 2 Historical Project Mod is an attempt to improve the game Victoria 2: A Heart of Darkness without changing the base game experience too much. Usually I just declare war for Holstein to add them to my sphere on the very first day of the game and just focus all of my diplomatic influence on Saxony, Luxembourg, Hanover, and the other South German states. Victoria 2 hpm germany NGF in HPM through an event or decision? Once the Austrians and all the other German Minors are in your sphere, THEN you click the "Three Hurrahs for Germany" button.

Reduce infamy victoria 2